Mock Election on September 21, 2015

On October 19, Canada will hold a federal election.

In the homeless sector, voting in an election is not a common practice.

This year, members of the CHF Client Advisory Committee, want to change that. They are planning a ‘mock election’ to take place on Monday, September 21st complete with ballot boxes, screening officers and candidates vying for the votes of those who do not believe their vote counts.

It is the challenge of homelessness.

Another challenge of homelessness and voting… Voting requires identification. Many people living the experience of homelessness do not have that which the majority of us take for granted; a piece of paper that legally confirms we are who we say we are in the world.

At the mock election, there will be people who can support those without identification obtain it.

A group of individuals with lived experience of homelessness are holding this mock election in 4 shelters around the city to encourage those with the lived experience of homelessness to exercise their right to vote. For more information, click HERE.

It is an important thing they are doing, this group of concerned citizens.

They are building the path, walking their talk, creating space for their voice to be heard. And in that space, they will hold space for others to rise up and cast their vote too.