Housewarming Party with a Twist – Giving the Gift of Home

Justine and Lee Dowd recently moved back to Calgary to be closer to friends and family. In celebration, the couple hosted a Housewarming Party with a philanthropic twist. In lieu of gifts, the Dowd’s asked their guests to consider giving a donation to the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF).

The evening of the housewarming, Saturday, September 12 was beautiful- one of the last perfect summer nights before the transition into fall and the effort put into the party was extraordinary. The yard was peppered with colourful umbrellas and cocktail tables; the deck housed talented local artist, Aaron Pollock and his band, and a plethora of food and beverages. A friend of the Dowd’s even constructed a dance floor for the evening, which resulted in guests dancing the night away. People laughed, they danced, and they gave to those in need. It truly was a perfect evening.

We want to thank the Dowd’s for inviting us into their home, and for thinking of those that we serve – Calgary’s most vulnerable population. The thoughtfulness of this gracious couple and their wonderful friends and family resulted over $10,350 being raised!  We sincerely want to thank all of the Dowd’s guests for their generous donations, their insightful comments and their continued support of our mission.

If you are interested in inviting us to your next event, whether it’s a holiday party, Halloween party, or Housewarming party please contact for more information.