We will not forget you.



Thank you to all who attended the Longest Night of the Year Memorial last night on December 21, 2016. The memorial service was open to every Calgarian and allowed them to share their light and silence in memory of those who have lost their lives while experiencing homelessness in our city.

Thank you to those who brought additional names to the service with you. Thank you to those who shared your stories, those who spoke, those who gave blessing, to those who gave prayer and song. Each of you gave something that will never be forgotten.

As we gathered, we stood in silence to remember those we have lost who have walked the streets, slept in alleyways or spent time in a shelter. We remembered our loved ones that have passed and recognized their place forever in our hearts. We stood together and said with our silence that these people mattered.

Brothers, sisters, friends, partners. We will not forget you.

*Thank you to those who brought names of those you have lost. We will make a complete record of the names collected and make sure to host it here in memory. If you have lost someone and would like their name added to this list, please contact Darcy at darcyh@calgaryhomeless.com.


Please see below for additional coverage on this year’s Longest Night of the Year Memorial.

