Entries by admin

Help local artists create Calgary’s largest yarn-bombing

On June 9th, 2015 the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF), in collaboration with This is My City Art Society (TMC), will unveil Calgary’s largest yarn bombing as a kickoff to celebrate the beginning of its newest affordable housing build, and we need your help! CHF has purchased a home that has been slated for demolition; in […]

Stepping Stone Manor Art Exhibit kicks-off This is My City Festival

Possibilities in the Wind: An Artful Partnership opened on Saturday with minimal fanfare but, don’t let the low-key nature of its opening fool you. The Exhibit, which showcases the kick-off event for Stepping Stone Manor, shows the power of our collective impact when we work together to engage community, government and corporate Calgary in ending homelessness. The exhibit, which […]

Possibilities in the Wind: An Artful Partnership

In April of 2014, the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF), invited This is My City Art Society (TMC), to help create a launch event for the kick-off to the building of Stepping Stone Manor in the Beltline. The event brought community together and included giant photos of members of the community being affixed to the house prior to its […]

New Research Paper provides critical view into homelessness

Congratulations to Ron Kneebone, Meaghan Bell, Nicole Jackson and Ali Jadidzadeh on the release of the research paper, Who are the Homeless? Numbers, trends, characteristics of those without homes in Calgary. University of Calgary, The School of Public Policy SPP research Papers. Volume 8. Issue 11. March 2015 The data contained in the report informed […]

Arthur R. Smith Award Recipients Celebrated at luncheon in their honour.

Arthur R. Smith’s legacy was celebrated at the annual Arthur R. Smith Awards (Awards) luncheon held, Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at the MacDougall Centre, Sisika Room. The awards, which include a cash reward, were presented to a front-line employee, a front-line team and a volunteer who were nominated by peers and members of the public and adjudicated by […]


Coldest Night of the Year – a walk to remember

Written by Britany Ardelli Have you ever felt so cold in the midst of winter your face feels frozen, like it can barely move and your legs feel like they are about to crack open? That was me at the Coldest Night of the Year Walk. This was a temporary and voluntary situation for me, but for […]

Human Rights and Homelessness

The CHF’s Client Action Committee (CAC) actively conducts research, alongside the CHF Research Team. Historically, their research activities have included everything from conducting interviews, hosting focus groups, holding community forums, data entry, coding data, and subsequent analysis.  One of our ongoing projects as a Committee this year has been to develop an understanding of homelessness […]