CHF Welcomes New Board Member, Dr. David Ross

Dr. David Ross comes to the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) Board of Director’s with a deep understanding and appreciation of our collective responsibility to take care of one another, especially people living on the margins.

“Seeing what devolved in East Vancouver, seeing the growing number of folks living on the street and in what horrendous conditions they survived, I appreciated the noble efforts being taken to change homelessness, but I often feared we were not winning the war,” said Ross in reference to the years he spent as President of Langara College in downtown Vancouver and witnessed first-hand the rise in homelessness. “It is not a good reflection of Canada. To have so many people in harm’s way.”

For Ross, it’s important that CHF’s message go beyond the siren’s call of taking care of people experiencing homelessness to provide a clear and compelling case for building the infrastructure that not just takes people out of harm’s way but builds sustainability for everyone in community. “We are in a unique moment in time where government has social license to direct money towards social housing. We must keep the pressure on.”

Strengthening and expanding CHF’s leadership in terms of coordinating, collaborating and partnering with a wide variety of interests in what he views as a very complex homeless-serving sector is his compelling reason to become a member of CHF’s Board.


The CHF Board consists of a number of dedicated volunteers committed to working with agencies, governments and donors to ensure our collective vision of ending homelessness in Calgary is achieved and is actively seeking collaborative leaders to join our volunteer Board of Directors. If you share a passion and commitment to our Vision and Mission, have strong ties to our community and are willing to commit time to this important endeavor, we encourage you to contact us. The CHF is the system planner for Calgary’s Homeless-Serving System of Care and at this time is specifically searching for board candidates with experience in governance, risk management and public policy advocacy. We welcome interested indigenous leadership.

If you are interested in being part of a team that is working collaboratively with organizations from across Calgary’s system of care and are energized to make a difference in our community, please forward your resume to

Our Mission: By providing Leadership in Calgary’s Homeless-Serving System of Care ensuring it meets the needs of those who are homeless

Our Vision: Together we will end homelessness in Calgary

Our Values: Catalytic Leadership, Courageous Collaborators, Evidence-Inspired and Vision Dedicated