Calgary Homeless Foundation’s fight against youth homelessness is guided by those who are experiencing it.
The Youth Advisory Table, or YAT, is made up of individuals between the ages of 16 and 25 with lived experience of homelessness. Every two weeks, they come together to advise us and to lead initiatives that raise awareness of youth homelessness.
Their achievements include:
- Attending the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness Conference for two consecutive years (2018-2019);
- Presenting at the 2018 Allies for Youth Conference in Edmonton, and
- Presenting at the 2018 7 Cities on Housing and Homelessness Conference in Red Deer.
The YAT advocates for youth identifying as LGBTQ2S+, who are over-represented among the youth homeless population. Activities include:
- Advocating for programs like The Aura, a Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary program that provides housing to Calgary LGBTQ2S+ youth, and
- Participating in the 2018 Calgary Pride March.
The YAT is also a tireless fundraiser, raising $700 on Go Fund Me to send youth with lived experience to conferences and $575 for the Coldest Night of the Year walk in 2019.
Other accomplishments include:
- Helping to “refresh” Calgary’s Youth Plan to End Homelessness in 2017;
- Participating in Homeless Awareness Day, and
- Serving as consultants to Alberta Health Services and The University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work.

Calgary Homeless Foundation
Calgary House
Suite 1100, 550 6 Ave. SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 0S2
Ph: (403) 237-6456
Fax: (403) 262-2924