Stepping Stone Manor Art Exhibit kicks-off This is My City Festival

Possibilities in the Wind: An Artful Partnership opened on Saturday with minimal fanfare but, don’t let the low-key nature of its opening fool you. The Exhibit, which showcases the kick-off event for Stepping Stone Manor, shows the power of our collective impact when we work together to engage community, government and corporate Calgary in ending homelessness.

The exhibit, which includes eight of the original giant photos that were affixed to the house at 222 15th Ave SW prior to its demolition last June and the painted mailboxes and doors from the house along with video footage from the kick-off event  is a celebration of all that has happened over the past year to make Stepping Stone Manor possible today.

Stepping Stone Manor, a 30 unit assisted-living apartment building in the Beltlin Community, will house formerly homeless Calgarians. It will become home to its first tenants this September. Last April, 2014, CHF and the RESOLVE Campaign worked with This is My City Art Society (TMC) to create a kick-off event that would bring community together to celebrate the past of the rooming house at 222 15th Ave SW and create a pathway to a better future for those who would eventually be calling Cedarglen Living’s: Stepping Stone Manor home.

Possibilities in the Wind: An Artful Partnership is hosted by CHF and TMC as part of this year’s This is My City Festival 2015. The full calendar of events for the Festival can be found HERE on the TMC website.  Special thanks to TRUCK Contemporary Art Gallery in Calgary for their support.